Our Services
How Can We Serve You?
- Mental health and substance abuse counseling
- Crisis intervention
- Evidence-based and Best practices
- Individual and family counseling
- CARS counseling
- Outpatient
- School based
- Victims of Crime Services (VOCA)

Safe Place
Through our partnership with volunteers and businesses, this program provides a network of locations where young people in crisis or at-risk can get help quickly. Children and youth can go to a Safe place location, ride on an OSU BOB Bus, or call PCYS for immediate help.

Emergency Youth Shelter
A safe, comfortable and protective environment is provided for youth who are unable to remain in their home because of family crisis, abuse, neglect, or other challenges.

Transitional Living Program
Provide safe, stable living accommodations and services to homeless youth ages 16-22 years to help them gain independence. Must be 18-22 years for independent apartment living. Program provides job assistance, life skills, incentives, counseling, case management, education assistance, and so much more.

Building a Competent Community for Suicide Prevention
Individuals contemplating suicide often don’t believe that they can be helped, so be active and persistent in helping someone get the resources they need. Building a Competent Community for Suicide Prevention is an evidence-based program for adults and youth grades 6-12 to learn how to help save lives. Our certified trainer teaches the general scope of suicide, the research on prevention, and what people can do to fight suicide

Prevention and Early Intervention
- Life Skills Education
- Parenting Life Skills Group
- 24/7 Dad Group
- Art, Poetry, and Photography Contest
- Skills for Success/First Time Offender Program
- Safe Sitter / Safe@Home Training
- Community specific programming needs