March 23rd

RCB Bank 417 S. Perkins Rd., Stillwater, OK, United States

May 18th

RCB Bank 417 S. Perkins Rd., Stillwater, OK, United States

July 27th

RCB Bank 417 S. Perkins Rd., Stillwater, OK, United States

September 28th

RCB Bank 417 S. Perkins Rd., Stillwater, OK, United States

November 16th

RCB Bank 417 S. Perkins Rd., Stillwater, OK, United States

December 14th

2804 West 32nd Avenue 2804 W. 32nd Avenue, Stillwater, OK, United States

24/7 Dad Group

Contact us today to sign up for this 12-week fathering group!

World Wide Suicide Prevention Day

A great way to observe World Wide Suicide Prevention Day is to schedule a Suicide Prevention Training with PCYS. Together, we can Become a Competent Community for Suicide Prevention.

Community Suicide Prevention Training

Stillwater Public Library 1107 S. Duck St., Stilwlater, Oklahoma, United States

"Oklahoma has the 6th highest suicide rate in the nation. Join us and learn how you can be part of the solution."

National Runaway Prevention Month

Nov. 2: National Resource Day Look for (and share) info on resources for runaway and homeless youth nationwide! Nov. 10: Wear Green Day Post a picture on Social Media, #NRPM2022 Nov. 17: National Green Light Project Light the Night Join us for a candlelit vigil at 7pm at the Municipal Building in Stillwater. Shine a […]